This week's theme is Just For Fun! If you are like me and you LOVE books then as soon as you read the theme funny books are probably popping into your mind!
Here are a few of my favorite "Just for Fun" books to read to my sweet little students:
Falling for Rapunzel
by Leah Wilcox is such a funny book, I ❤ it! Of course it is a fractured fairytale but what makes it so funny is the way Ranpunzel misunderstands everything the prince says to her. One example is when he asks her to throw down her golden locks, she throws him her dirty socks! My kids always crack up when I read this story!!
Julius, the Baby of the World by Kevin Henkes is a hilarious look at sibling rivalry when ✿ Lilly ✿ has a new brother that she does not like! She can't stand anything about him - until someone else doesn't like him and then in her true spirit she champions and defends him!
Chester by Melanie Watt is a book that I read because I love Scaredy Squirrel and decided to try another one of her books! OMG is it funny! Chester is a cat who thinks the story show be all about him so he hijacks the book and with his red marker ✎, he rewrites the story the way he thinks it should be told! Melanie and Chester go back and forth in a super cute story that has a really funny ending!
The Monster at the End of This Book is one of my all time favorite ☻ books! I remember reading this book when I was a kid!! Grover is so funny in this story and it is great how he talks to the readers directly, my class always enjoys it! I loved it so much, and even though I knew the ending I would beg my grandmother to read it to me again and again!
Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!!!!