All the activities we did are all available in my TPT store! This is my latest product and I am so excited about it! Please hop over and check it out!
2. I got my newest Loreen Leedy book, Jack and the Hungry Giant, in the mail last weekend which was perfect timing for our food group study! It book has a cute twist on the classic Jack and the Beanstalk, where Jack climbs the beanstalk and meets a giant and learns all about healthy eating and choosing from the five food groups! It is such a great book and the perfect edition to my classroom library, the kids LOVED it! If you haven't already, go over the Bunting, Books and Bainbridge's blog to join her giveaway or go to Good Reads for your chance to win this great book!
3. In math we are getting ready to start our graphing unit so I have been having fun getting all our fun graphing centers and activities together! I found this cute graphing board that I starting following on pinterest - go check it out! So many cute ideas! In case you are looking for a quick and easy center for your graphing unit, check out my Build A Graph center!
4. My son came home from college for his fall break! Yay! Having him home was a treat all of it's own, but he surprised me by coming into my classroom to volunteer for the morning!
He is a freshman at WVU, and is majoring in education! He is going to be an awesome teacher!!
5. It's that time of the year, homecoming! Yet another reason to love the fall! This picture is actually from last weekend's homecoming dance, but I just had to share this picture of my beautiful daughter all ready to go to homecoming with a big group of her friends!
Thanks for stopping by and reading my Five for Friday!! I am off to go and check out what everyone else has been up to!